# Useful for debugging
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
from distgen.dist import SuperGaussian
from distgen.dist import Norm
from distgen.physical_constants import unit_registry
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
Metrics for comparing different distributions¶
In some cases, it is desired to target a particular distribution shape in an optimization. To facilitate this the following two metrics are implemented:
Kullback-Leibler (Relative Entropy)¶
Defined as: $D_{KL}(P|Q) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}p(x)\ln{\left(\frac{p(x)}{q(x)}\right)} dx$
Note that this is not well defined in regions where the PDF $q(x)=0$. This causes trouble for distributions like a uniform distribution. For this, its suggested to use a SuperGaussian to approximate the uniform dist (see below).
L = 2 * unit_registry("ps")
avg_t_sg = 0 * unit_registry("ps")
sigma_t_sg = L / np.sqrt(12)
sg = SuperGaussian("t", avg_t=avg_t_sg, sigma_t=sigma_t_sg, p=12)
tsg, Psg = sg.get_x_pts(), sg.pdf()
plt.plot(tsg, Psg);
norm = Norm("t", avg_t=avg_t_sg, sigma_t=sigma_t_sg)
tn, Pn = norm.get_x_pts(), norm.pdf()
plt.plot(tn, Pn);
from distgen.metrics import kullback_liebler_div
kullback_liebler_div(tn, Pn, tsg, Psg, as_float=False)
The functions work with raw NumPy arrays, and support both float output or Pint Quantity outputs:
tn.magnitude, Pn.magnitude, tsg.magnitude, Psg.magnitude, as_float=True
In addition to the Kullback Liebler Divergence, the residual squared between two distributions is implemented:
from distgen.metrics import res2
res2(tn, Pn, tsg, Psg, as_float=False, normalize=True)
res2(tn.magnitude, Pn.magnitude, tsg.magnitude, Psg.magnitude, as_float=True)
Helper Functions¶
from distgen.metrics import resample_pq
resample_pq(tn, Pn, tsg, Psg, plot=True);
dist_yaml = """
n_particle: 30000
species: electron
units: dimensionless
value: 0.5
units: mm
value: 2.3319043122
type: rg
random_type: hammersley
units: meV
value: 130
type: cathode
units: ''
value: 1
units: ps
value: 10
type: sg
units: pC
value: 100
from distgen import Generator
D = Generator(dist_yaml)
P = D.run()
from distgen.metrics import get_current_profile
from distgen.metrics import rms_equivalent_current_nonuniformity
t, current_profile = get_current_profile(P)
plt.plot(t, current_profile);
ps = np.linspace(1, 12, 50)
kldivs = np.zeros(ps.shape)
res2s = np.zeros(ps.shape)
for ii, p in enumerate(ps):
D["t_dist:p"] = p
P = D.run()
t, current_profile = get_current_profile(P)
plt.plot(t, current_profile)
kldivs[ii] = rms_equivalent_current_nonuniformity(P, method="kl_div", p=12)
res2s[ii] = rms_equivalent_current_nonuniformity(P, method="res2")
plt.xlabel("t (s)")
plt.ylabel("$\\rho$ ($s^{-1}$)");
$D_{KL} = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} P\ln(P/Q)dt$
Note, not defined for uniform beam where $Q_u = \frac{1}{t_2-t_1}\left[\theta(t-t_1)-\theta(t-t_2)\right]$. If comparing to uniform beam, replace target distribution with rms equivalent super-Gaussian with power $p$: $Q=Q_{SG}(t; p)$. So KL-div nonuniformity:
$\lim_{p\rightarrow\infty}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} P\ln[P/Q_{SG}(t;p)]dt$
plt.plot(ps, kldivs)
plt.xlabel("super-Gaussian power")
$\frac{\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (P-Q)^2dt}{\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} Q^2(t)dt}$
plt.plot(ps, res2s)
plt.xlabel("super-Gaussian power")
plt.ylabel("integrated squared residuals");
D["t_dist:p"] = 4
P = D.run()
D["t_dist:p"] = 6
P = D.run()